Why work for money?

This is the myth people learned especially with the industrial revolution. We gave up our inspirations and dreams believing that the system of working for money will take care of us.

Working for money is where we trade our time, energy and efforts daily for the salary we receive once at the end of the every month.

Looking at this from a distance, there is a lot of human potential left behind and not discovered because of this beleif. Just immagine yourself working daily for 7 to 9 hours in whatever job you hold to receive the salary end of the month.

When I read books on money, financial statements, income and assets, investing and cashflow, I realize that working for money is only a belief we were made to digest and absorb.

When you understand what money is, how it grows and the simple formulas to multiply it, the grip of that belief start to slowly loosen and you start to gently open up and gain confidence and empowerment.

Probably with the information gained, anger and frustration rise up because of the time wasted doing the same thing everyday because of this one beleif. Well it doesn’t matter how much time you wasted. What matters is what you do next to break the cycle and be in charge of your finances and your dreams.


The humility of teaching


From theory learning to experience learning!