The humility of teaching

The favourite part I like about teaching is the interaction part with the students. You get to meet different types of students and have those daily conversations. Sometimes when the thought of shifting from teaching to administration job crosses my mind, my chest shrinks and tightens. Its not easy to let go of the human interaction we get to have with our students and replace it with some boring routine job in an office.

Another beautiful gift that comes with teaching is the act of sharing our knowledge and life experiences. Its an act of front-line service where we serve the students, interact and talk with them, and share our gained knowledge and experience. In some scenarios where we miss on some information or when we are not aware of the relevant industrial practices, it forces us to come down to earth and be humble enough to admit our imperfections to our students.

It is true that teaching includes lots of stress, juggling between many responsibilities at the same time and managing the requests of students. However the blessings it brings and the long-life impact we can create exceed all that hustles.

At the end, I pray for all the teachers to realize their hidden potential, the powerful seeds they can plant in the students’ minds and the liveliness and vibrancy teaching brings to our daily interactions.


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