Who owns your thoughts?
Thoughts and thinking are precious gifts given to the human being. But the way you use them would tell you whether they are serving you today or they are against you.
We were born, brought up and we created our individualized lives. But its rare to find a person talking about the mind, thoughts and thinking. It is just you find people doing the thinking, wondering and sharing their thoughts as if they already know what they are doing.
When you watch those drama movies and episodes, you see people taking their minds and thinking to different levels, places, heads and for different reasons. Some think in their own heads. Others think in their heads and other people heads too. Some make things personally and do connections and links between their thoughts and other people thoughts too. Also others create assumptions and expectations of what should happen, why this happened, who to blame and so on.
The question I like to ask here is: Who owns your thoughts? Who is the person in charge of your thinking? You or other people? When you think, is it your own truthful thoughts or other people thoughts? When you work with yourself in this way with self-acceptance and compassion, you would arrive to your personal truth. You take full ownership towards your thoughts and values. You would stop the manipulations and mind games. You would become more honest in the conversations with yourself and others.
I personally struggle to answer this question because my early foundation was based on fear, worry and being extra cautious. And besides this, it would double up when you have a sensitive personality type.
At the end, what is better than getting to know yourself, your fears, doubts and worries? What is better than letting go of everything outside you and focusing on your inner world? Later you would realize a lot of unnecessary drama including the judging, blaming, criticizing and worrying would be released because you take personal ownership, responsibility and accountability towards your own thoughts, beliefs and values.