The impact of digitalism on social life
With all my appreciation for the technology revolution we are living at the moment, you may have noticed some dryness in our social interaction. People prefer to interact with each other using the social media. Many perceive it is enough through a text message. Or calling to say hello is sufficient enough to catch up with your old friend.
I think digitalism lifestyle encourages laziness and hesitation. People just think it is convenient to contact through our devises and think that’s all there is in the human connection.
Of course our connective technology devises have removed all the geographical barriers and you can contact with people around the world with just a devise and internet connection. But coming to the intimacy and reality of our human connections, we can’t rely solely on this digital communication set-up. Our communication includes far more than just catching up with a text message or replying using your emojis. It goes further to include our body language, our visual appearances, the flow of our conversations and the dance between voice, body language and mutual understanding of each other.
Sometimes you wonder, what is it? Are people just blind in the communication arena? What happened to our intimacy and affection for each other? How our brains are actually created with keeping the communication in context?
When you hear a person complaining: Oh his message was just too dry. Oh he didn’t call me back. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t bother. Or he is just too busy. Or this is how we are supposed to live our life isolated, disconnected and alone. These messages are all clear results of the impact of digitalism on our vulnerable human interactions.
Nowadays people are very good at hiding behind the text messages. They are smart in manipulating as well and playing mind games. This digital life set-up have shaped people interactions to be dry, isolating, manipulative, confusing and distracting. If you are not aware, you can even get distracted in this route and lose your precious attention and focus.
So when you are aware and informed of how our digital devises affect our real and intimate connections today, you would be in a better position to take better connection choices.