Who is more narcissist than your child!

Children are a precious gift in life. They change our routines and make us live life like you are on a roller-coaster. They make us mad and happy at the same time. So much learning happen from interacting with our kids.

Interestingly the child always thinks everything is about him or her. They want things to go their way. Their conversations are filled with scenarious about a teacher doesn’t like them, a friend taking advantage of them, why you did this to me. Its all about them and their perceived little worlds in their pretty minds.

How parents respond to kids at an early age is important. If your child shares with you a story or a confusing thought and you showed lack of interest or presence, the child would blame themselves. If your child didn’t score well in school and you entirely blamed them, he or she would take it seriously as if they have a responsibility towards the world.

Being aware of the psychology happening inside the children brains can help parents. I remember this moment when my daughter had a tantrum while I was driving. She cried and cried. Then after her crying she expressed her frustration with our planned travel without her. Sometimes when a child cries, its not always the best option to step in and fix the situation. Crying can be an expressive act to open an authentic conversation afterwards.

The best thing you can do if your child blames you or insists they are right is to show interest and say: Is it? How come? Tell me more. Oh I never thought about that. Why this came to your mind? Aha interesting! Then later you may bring your wisdom and guidance to clarify things for the child.

However if you focus on the idea that you are the parent and you are right, then this would make the parenting much harder and difficult. Because you are not approaching the child to where he is at.

Finally, let us approach parenting as something to learn from instead of a burden put on our shoulders. Its not always easy but reflecting on the process and looking at it as a learning process can make it lighter and simple. All the best to every parent out there.


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