What do I want?

When you have been living a life that is not yours, this question will keep popping up in your mind. What do I want? Is this career the thing I wanna focus on? If I continue doing what I do today at work for free, will I continue doing it?

When a person starts a career and gets paid, you think its a must to continue and go up the career ladder until we retire. But then I question: Is this something I like doing? Does it fill up my heart and spirit?

When you work daily for 7 to 8 hours every month, work becomes a fundamental part of our lives. Its essential to question what we do today to make the work meaningful, contributional and aligned with our personal values and beliefs.

Working on a job and getting paid doesn’t mean you have to prove yourself and your worthiness all your working life to deserve the salary you earn. Instead, it means what art are you ready to offer? What emotional labor are you willing to contribute? What creative activities you would add to your work to make it impactful and life changing?

It is challenging to do this process if you got used to following the rules and doing what you have been told to do. But also this process gives you a sense of empowerment and inspiration. It opens up mental and emotional doors for you to start doing what you really want.


You are attached to…


Shame and Embarrassment!