You are attached to…

We get attached to many things in life like our children, our careers, our homes and our families. This is the surface. For those who are unaware, there are other attachments that are underneath these that you may not know.

But you might be wondering. What is attachment? It is the thing you get attached to do because of a past incident happened in your past life. For example, if your past life included traumatizing events like losing your loved one, facing a life threatning illness or going through a divorce, today you might be attached to mental fear and worry of the future.

That is how our brains have been wired to protect and defend itself. Another scenarios is when you lived in an environment where you were not accepted for who you are and you had to work really hard to prove yourself, today you may be attached to pleasing people and being so nice and accommodating because you are filling the gap you faced in the past.

That is normal. We don’t forget our past and many even make it a part of their daily conversations.

However, when you want to move on with your life and discover other life avenues, then our attachments may not serve us well. It may give us a temporary satisfaction but then overall it keeps us stuck in one place and makes it uncomfortable for us to move on.

It is interesting to check on our attachments and reflect on them. What is even better is finding out if it is working for us today or against us.

Personally one of my attachments I discovered that keeps me stuck in one place is the fear of being rejected and abondoned. I was a superstar in personalizing events in my life and making them about me. That created mental and emotional weight and burden I had to carry for many years.

Later in life, I found that this attachment is not serving me anymore. If I want to start a project, do business or go on a workout challenge, I gotta process and detangle this attachment first. Otherwise, it will keep standing on my way like a person with a stick scolding and threatening me.

At the end, you may wonder. Is it worth the efforts and hustle to reflect and check on our attachments? Or I just keep living life today and be ok with it.

Well its all about what matters to you and what doesn’t. To prioritize and rank the areas in our life that needs our attention and priority is a skill we gotta do to find out if this matters to us or not. So that we don’t just live a life blindly without a vision and a direction.


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