Ups and Downs of Screentime!

The time we spend on our screens has increased especially with our experience with the pandemic and lockdown. Both adults and kids are seen often using their screens.

After researching this topic, I see contradicting arguments. A group of people talk about the negative effects of using our digital screens. Another group perceives this differently according to your situation and your family’s home set-up like home-schooling or parents working from home.

According to my parenting experience, the screens are not always bad. My 7th grade daughter has become very good in video making and editing because of it. When she is on her phone, she collects family photos and videos and spends her free time creating memories in the form of short video clips. Also both my daughters often learn about making new food recipes from YouTube and TikTok. Then they would straightaway go to the kitchen and start prepping new recipes.

I consider this as an education and learning experience that our digital devices provide for our kids.

However, on the other side, I have also seen side effects that come along with using these devices. When it was lockdown and we all were forced to stay in-doors, most of the time we were on our screens. The major side effect happened from that experience is social isolation. The social interaction got affected. Even when meeting friends and family members, the kids get confused and wonder. Shall we shake hands or what we do?

The mental wellbeing of kids received a lot of attention in correlation with screentime. Symptoms like loneliness, mental depression and increasing episodes of tantrums are all correlated partly or most cases with kids left with their screens for long periods of time.

With understanding both the pros and cons of using the digital screens, we need to remember that kids are too young to understand the proper way to use them. They need help and guidance. Especially in terms of the channels that can enrich their knowledge, the episodes that often confuse them and the amount of time appropriate to use the entertainment platforms.

If you are just starting out and feel overwhelmed by this, no worries. Start slowly and gradually according to your space and your kids’ space too.

The challenging part is when kids say: “What do we then? The only thing entertains us is our games and episodes. What else can we do?”. Here is where we need to be patient enough and gradually introduce them to other indoor or outdoor activities.

It is not easy but doable especially if we also are addicted to our screens. If we manage to increase the good things they learn from their screens and minimize the side effects, that would be a remarkable thing to do.


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