The illusion of a monthly salary!

We learned the idea of working in organizations to receive monthly salaries. We budget the monthly paycheck to accommodate us for the rest of the month till we receive the salary the following month.

At the beginning of my career, I remember how happy and excited I was after I received my first salary. With years passed on, I realized this was like a repeating cycle. Work. Earn your monthly salary. Budget it. Spend it. Then again repeat the cycle again next month and for the rest of your life.

When you hear other people conversations of this topic, you hear this: “My salary is not enough”. Or “I am searching for another job with better salary”. Or “I barely manage myself till I get my salary next month”. It is painful to see yourself squeezed so tightly because of the illusion of waiting to receive your income next month. It is like you are in a box and you can’t just easily get out of it.

This becomes even tougher when the person takes on loans and mortgages with the banks. Here you become committed to pay the monthly instalments whether your salary increases or reduces.

The first thing to do to break the cycle is first to be willing to see and realize it. When you understand the repeating cycle, you can start to search for other ideas to replace the cycle with other better ways to earn an income.

Second is learn the true value of money, income and earning. The majority of us got the idea of be hired for a job and earn a monthly paycheck. However, what is really money, income and earning? Where does the real value of money resides? Is working for monthly salaries the only way available or there are other methods?

Third is to courageously start taking action to break the illusion of waiting for the next monthly salary. After researching and understanding the real value of money, you realize its not only working in a regular job to be paid and move on with your life. There are other means too like starting businesses, investing, getting a part-time job, partnering with other investors or others methods.

The most important thing to remember here is we are not locked. Even after working for so many years or even after going for retirement, we still have the opportunity to do something about it if we are bold enough to go after it. But saying words like: “This is my life. This is my destiny. This is all what I know. I can’t do anything about it” keeps us victims for this addictive cycle and powerless to make any change happen.


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