Finding the truth thread

We live in information age. The information is available for us just by a click. If you need information about a job, a new recipe, a different routine, how to renovate your home or new ideas of anything that interests you, you just go online.

With the knowledge and education that the online world provides us, many times it overwhelmes us. You get confused, interrupted and sometimes overloaded. In that situation, you freeze in the stage called “analysis paralysis”.

We analyze and find more information. Once you discover all the information, your brain goes to the freeze mode because of the overloading of information. This can affect our action taking process.

Imagine with the increasing load of information we consume, it can frighten us. Because now we know all that information. How can we apply it in seconds. Its hard. Its impossible. So we freeze. We stop. And worse than that, we consume even more information.

The information and knowledge we gain becomes useless if we don’t apply it and act on it. There are many useful and life changing books out there. But if we just read without using the knowledge we gained, then what’s the point?

The best thing a person can do in such a situation is stop for a moment. Reflect. Ask yourself. Do you need all that information now? If the answer is no, stop. Act on the information you already gained. Once you reach a point where you don’t know what to do and you need information, then you go and find the information.

It becomes tricky to use our conciouseness when we continousely browse online for hours and hours. But then when we stop, pause and ask ourselves some reflective questions, we can break the addictive cycle of “search for information” and start slowly taking action and act on our gained knowledge.


The illusion of a monthly salary!


The illusion of feeling bad!