The Love of Your Life

You may think you know what love is. Or maybe you lost hope in love. Or probably you don’t trust love. You think it doesn’t exist in our current world. Or you are too scared to experience love and don’t want to get hurt again.

Well from personal experience, love starts from within. If within you are too rigid and closed, you won’t get a chance to experience love. Some inner questions you can start with here are: what is your idea of love? What type of love you witnessed when you were a child? What loving acts you do for yourself? Is the idea of love important to you? What is its importance level?

If your answers to those questions are mostly negative, then the experiences of love whether with your best friend, parents, spouse, kids, neighbours or other people you interact with would be fixed and closed. Why? Because you don’t trust the idea of love and you can’t let yourself go loose and open in this regard.

I understand how the environment and the life setup we live in influence our ideas and perspectives a lot. But also you have a chance to create an inner world, an inner environment within you. Everything starts from there. What conditions you create for yourself to thrive? How do you pamper yourself? What basic self-care routines you do daily? What books you read to enrich your mind, heart and soul? What nature places you visit? What relationships that fulfil you? What conversations that most appeal to you? What activities that resonate best with your inner drive?

Doing this inner work first can help you start to shape the love of your life. When you are fulfilled and inspired from within, you find situations, people and circumstances automatically gravitate to you like magnet. It just happens with minimum effort from your side.

So if you are still reading this post, what do you think of love? Is it only a feeling or is it something else? What loving acts, conversations and experiences you can imagine? Is love fixed or flexible? Examine your thoughts here and see for yourself where you stand and what you stand for.


Stillness in Conversations


Texting versus Talking