Starting all over again!

It is scary to start all over again. If you think of life in general, your philosophy towards life, our careers and jobs and the lifestyle we currently run, it can be uncomfortable sometimes. Why? Because it feels like all the things we have struggled all our life to build could fall apart. Or because it is not easy to start all over again. Or because that’s it. We have done it. This is the life we already are living. What else we want?

The comfortable zone can be so appealing. Seduction from the society and culture are just so tempting. Announcements like allowances given to children citizens or increasing a percentage to the allowances of the elderly. What do these acts tell us? You don’t need to do anything. Just relax. We will take care of you.

Looking back at history, how people used to lead their lives. People were farmers, business men, travelling the world to trade. Women worked from home either through crafting, cooking, sewing, babysitting or selling home-made items. People were not scared or sceptical to go on their own. People had the guts to take care of themselves and lead independent lives.

But then later what happened? How things changed so rapidly? With the industrial revolution in 1900s, people started giving up on owning their own projects and businesses. They fell into the seductive trap of comfort zone. Work for someone else and you will be fine. Leave your dreams aside and focus on your responsibilities towards your home and family. Do what everyone is doing and you will be fine and safe.

When you learn about history and how people lived their lives, you get a glimpse of hope that our yearning and longing to lead an independent life is real and possible.

Sometimes I ask myself: What happened? Why do we act the way we do? Our current actions, are they coming from the depth of heart or it is just to conform and follow what the rest is doing?

Asking these questions at first is easy. But later, you start to understand things about yourself you never knew or imagined.

All the best asking and reflecting.


Love or fear?


Alone with my toddler abroad!