Never Enough!

Never enough. This is an idea that was created by humans many generations ago. Never enough with the way we live our life. Never enough with how we raise our kids. Never enough with how we work.

There is always something. Work is not good enough. The target is not yet achieved. The child is not yet comfortable.

To reflect on this thought, sinking deep in nature can help detangle the tight knots of this idea. Looking at the trees, birds, cats or other creatures, you will see the fullness of their being. They just exist. They just live in the moment without struggle or expectations. Just watch a cat when its chilling and relaxing. Or a bird when its flying. They experience their existence to the fullest without complaint or judgment.

Never enough is usually associated with either you are not satisfied with how you are living your life or you are not content with how people see you. It is a big struggle if you are living a life with such a multi-never-enough perspective.

To process this perspective, using gratitude can be very helpful through journaling, meditation, giving thanks after prayer and noticing the little blessings you already have.

Solitude and contemplation in nature is another powerful tool. Taking long walks on the beach, watching birds and animals while you drink your cup of tea, experiencing the sunset or the sunrise. Spending more time in nature normally enriches you and makes you realize you don’t need anything extra and you already have everything you need.

At the end, you can’t end the never enough dilemma in one night. Especially when the environment (media, news, culture, society) always sends you signs that you are not enough. But holding on to a practice you choose daily can assist you in your personal healing journey.


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