Medical Treatment versus Divine Treatment

Because we are so attached to this physical world, we forget our roots and where we come from. We think it is the doctor who cures, the surgery that fixes and the medicine that heals.

But actually the healing takes place in a way out of your limited human thinking. Just ask yourself: Where you come from? How were you being made? Who allows you to breath? Who enables you to wake up from your sleep? How do you proceed with your daily activities like eating, drinking, walking, hearing and seeing? Who maintains and keeps the liveliness and vibrancy running inside you? Is it really just life? Is it really just an existence? Maybe you need to go back and question that.

When I compare the medical treatment and divine treatment, I see a space that is incomparable and unrelatable. The medical treatment with all my appreciation for its advances and revolution today, has got flaws, limitations, suffering and uncertainty. You can’t really tell if it works or not. At the end, it was invented by a human being.

Looking at the divine treatment, it is something else. It is beyond your thinking and imagination. It happens without justifications. It amazingly surprises and shocks you. It just happens because it is the only truth there is.

If we put our focus there instead of the medical treatment, what do you think would happen? The resistense and tension with the doctors will be less. The beleif would be far more than what the doctors say. Things would start falling into places automatically and naturally. You would eventually realize the limitations of the medical treatment and your definite need to go back to the divine treatment.

In the several recites from the Holy Book of Quran, you find Allah points to the facts it just happens, his ability to do anything, when you are sick he cures you and not to be tricked by the limitations in front of you because what is coming is far more greater, bigger and powerful than what you think.

These reflections using Allah’s divinity gives me hope, patience and strength. No matter what is happening, he remains there knowing, supporting and helding. And don’t think that doctors and the medical treatments are all there is. Behind that, there is the strong powerful force that activates the healing process and with just a world it all happens in the least amount of time you can think of.


Eid Al Fitter in Türkiye


2nd VBT Surgery