2nd VBT Surgery

Without our expectations, we were informed by the doctors that my 3 year old son spinal curve (the kyphosis part) was worsening. They suspected that the robe attached with screws along the spine (from the 1st surgery) might have broke.

So we travelled to Turkey again on an urgent medical trip to receive another treatment. Upon our arrival and after all the check-ups and scans done, we were informed by the doctor that his spinal curve is progressing unexpectedly. He suspected that the robe might have became extra loose which is not giving the spine the support it needs.

Here lots of racing thoughts running through my mind. What happened? Why the rope became loose? Is it because his spinal curves are so severe and couldn’t hold well to the rope and screws? Is it because of his growth? Or because of his extensive movements and free play as a child?

There could be many reasons. Anyhow, the doctor suggested to replace the rope and the screws but with thicker screws this time and an extended time period of wearing the brace after the surgery.

This meant we go through a second VBT surgery treatment. One part of me was sad, frustrated and scared. Another part was: This needs to be done now rather than later. With progressing spinal curves in a later stage, the complexity and difficulty of the surgery increases and the capacity of the breathing lungs reduces.

So we went ahead with the surgery that was on 4th April 2024.

The 1st and 2nd day post surgery included lots of pain, tears and patience. My son wouldn’t talk, wouldn’t play with his toys, stays quite when we video call his siblings and father. I can’t really imagine how a 3 years old child is taking in all these painful moments and how was his psychological state.

What I could do at those times was always holding his little hands, comforting him and asking him questions to distract him from the pain like: Where does it hurt? Is it here or there? Its ok. It will be over soon.

On the 3rd day post surgery, small signs appeared like him moving his legs more, slowly turning left and right with bearing the pain, walking slowly in the bedroom only, chatting and teasing his uncle and playfully throwing toys off the bed.

We are still on the journey for his health and recovery. The journey is so unpredictable. It is not even easy to communicate this to family members. What is possible in all this is asking Allah to help cure him, recover him and straighten his spine and replace this disease with health and strength.


Medical Treatment versus Divine Treatment


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