Loneliness versus alone!

Many confuse between loneliness and being alone. Some believe that being alone will cause loneliness. Others get scared to be alone because of the fear of being abandoned or rejected by others.

The reality is being alone is a way to discover your truth, desires and aspirations. Being alone opens doors to reflect and ask some tough questions in life.

If it comes to loneliness, it is a perception. It is a thought that says: You are alone. You have no one. No body wants you. You are not enough. No body cares about you. This is a mental hole we need to be aware of.

To conquer the perception of loneliness, go to nature and look around you. The sky above you, the earth ground under you, the birds flying, the fresh air you breath, people walking and chatting. Look at the liveliness and fullness of life around you. Nature is a great companion when you are suffering with the perception of loneliness.

Also doing your daily activities is a helpful way to buffer loneliness like going shopping at the grocery store, doing your favourite sport or hobby, calling your old friend and having an evening walk in your neighbourhood. These small acts confirm that loneliness is only a mental box that you decide either to stay in it or process it.

About being alone, many think its scary and not acceptable in the society and culture. Many think that being alone can cause troubles or bad situations. However, the truth is being alone is the best time to do your private reflections. Reflecting on what you do, what matters to you, what you aspire for and to give thanks for the blessings we have.

Another fact about being alone that we need to remember is we were born alone and we die alone. If that is the case then why we get nervous being alone and wonder what people think of us or perceive about us. The tribal pressure is the worst thing when it comes to being alone. When you hear some of the common conversations like: Why don’t you socialize with others? Or: Why are you sitting alone here? Or: What’s wrong with you? Are you ok? Or: Why don’t you go out with friends? Or: How come you travel alone? These conversations instil fear and doubt in us as if being alone is really something bad we need to avoid. Reflect on it regularly and process it.

No matter where you are in life, remember the fullness of life resides inside you. If you are alone or suffering with loneliness, it’s ok. At the end, you eventually go back to your creator.


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