Homesick Abroad!

Travelling to different countries is an exciting and thrilling experience. Especially when you travel for pleasure and to enjoy your holiday.

However, when you travel for a purpose either medical reasons or education, that is something else. There could be some fun and adventurous moments but there is also the feeling of homesick and inner frustration.

Being in a foreign country to complete an urgent task and at the same time you need to communicate with people around you and make sense of their culture and lifestyle is a struggle.

Every country has got its own theme of lifestyle and way of living. If you come from a country where you got used to a sense of community and togetherness and suddenly you find a country where people are isolated, that can cause an inner shock and depression.

I remember moments being in a foreign country where simple activities like having your daily meals, going out for a walk and getting something from the grocery store can help a bit to ease the feeling of homesick and loneliness.

Sometimes its hard to move on and go through change. We like to stay close to our loved ones and stick to our daily familiar routines. Sudden change in life often forces us to get out of our comfortable bubbles, show up for ourselves and go out meet people.

The amazing cure for homesick feeling is to show up for yourself. This means differently for different people. But showing up is really doing things outside your comfort zone. Things like taking the courage to speak to a person who doesn’t speak your language, discover a new place and be flexible and less complaining and comparing of the culture and lifestyle of that country.

At the end, we can’t deny the feeling of homesick we have sometimes. It is there and it is us to accept it, be friends with it, let it sit in the passenger seat and we take on the driver seat.


Is it that simple?


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