Helicopter or free range parenting?

Parenting is the most confusing role a person can do. Having kids with different personalities makes it even more confusing where you need to switch your parenting hat often to parent them accordingly.

You can see different parenting styles. Everyone gives different advises and tips. If we look at the shift of focus in the world from a general perspective, we notice that independency and self-reliance skills are becoming increasingly urgent. Areas like the job market, starting businesses, raising families., all these require the person to be well independent. But also we see an increased sense of isolation. People acting tough, struggling alone, living in isolation, thinking that it’s ok to handle it alone. The emotional wellbeing is another trait that we need to consider when parenting too.

The dilemma we face in parenting is shall I support my kid here and guide or shall I let the kid do it without much of my guidance and support. This is what we refer to as either helicopter or free range parenting. When you notice a parent so scared for the child’s wellbeing and safety, doesn’t allow the child to play with the sand or rain, prevent the child from getting hurt and being worried excessively when the child wants to try something new, that is helicopter parenting. I do it sometimes unknowingly until my daughter tells me: Mama you are being so overprotective. The other way round is when you see a parent so loose and relaxed with the kids. The kids are left alone most of the times, playing, no limits with screen time, allowed to do mistakes and fail and no much guidance and support from the parent here. That is free range parenting.

Both the parenting styles have got advantages and disadvantages. We need to balance using them both accordingly to get the most learning experiences when raising the kids. Its not easy especially while we want the best for our kids. But remembering that they grow fast and they won’t be with us forever as kids. Asking ourselves these questions: do we want to be parented that way? Will it help the child in the long run? Those reflective questions can help us back off sometimes if we are either overprotective or so relaxed and trusting. Best wishes to every parent out there.


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