Slowing down in a fast paced world

We live in a world where everything happens so fast. With multiple roles we have such as working, parenting, caretaking and providing, we need to fulfil the demands of the multiple roles at the same time. It gets overwhelming sometimes. It takes away our life living experiences if we are not aware enough.

To slow down in such a fast paced world, first, one needs to find the gaps in between the thoughts we think and the gaps in between the duties we handle. I remember when students are busy writing their case study answers, I take the chance to look outside through the classroom window and experience the nature view. Or when rushing in the morning driving off the kids to schools, I utilize the gap to enjoy their stories and the conversation we have on the ride.

Second, prioritizing tasks is a highly important skill we need. If we consider everything we do as important, we would end up frustrated and stressed. Prioritizing is where we decide which of the tasks are highly important now and which tasks are not. This enables us to focus and free up some time for our health and wellbeing.

Third, having a broad outlook and perspective towards the life we live can tremendously help us slow down. When rushing, coming back to our to-do-list again and trying to complete 100% of the tasks planned for the day, come back to your general perspective towards life. What is it about experiencing life. What are my intentions behind seeking to do this now and fast. Why am I rushing. What am I trying to prove here. Achieving this now means what to me. These questions reveal our true agendas and make us understand our mind cyclic patterns.

It is tricky to do the above steps especially when you face new tasks, deadlines and unexpected situations all happening at the same time. But just thinking about slowing down can give you a chance to breath, to rest and to experience your life events fully.


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