Decluttering of the mind

The mind is like a garage. It stores lots of thoughts, memories, past stories and expectations of the future. If you are not aware enough, you are either living life in the past or you are living in the future and never get the chance to experience the precious presence.

If you are a person who wishes to live a peaceful and meaningful life free of worries and stresses, then this post is for you. The mind we have is a valuable asset that was given to us. But if we don’t know how to take care of it and nourish it, it will work against us.

Amazingly the mind stores lots of thoughts and ideas that we learned from everywhere. It stores those thoughts in such away that you feel it in your body. Many people experience their childhood memories into adulthood life. Often those experiences affect a person’s life in areas like the career, personal development, family, friendships and business aspects.

To be aware of the cluttered mind, one needs to first get the information of how the mind works. There are many books out there about the mind like Ekhart Tolle books or Joe Dispenza or Jay Shatty. Those authors went through experiences to understand the mind patterns.

Second, after being aware of how the mind works, you would need to take baby steps to slow the mind and get still for few minutes daily. This is crucial especially if the mind have been running and racing for long time. It takes patience and process to quite the mind.

Third is to be aware of the environment around you including your routines, the people you hang out with and the physical surroundings. The mind can easily be absorbed by the environment. If you live in an isolating environment, the mind might lack trust and create a box of boundaries and limits when interacting with people. If you live in a home cluttered with things you don’t use and need anymore, the mind is holding on to thoughts that need to be decluttered. Actions you can do here are look at your home. What are you storing. Are there items that you don’t need and can give away. Who are the people you hang out with. What daily routines you have.

Finally decluttering of the mind is a long life process that takes patience and courage. The focus here is not the outcome but the process and the practice required to release the worries and stresses from the mind and experience life to the fullest.


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