The tension between working and parenting!

In old times, one of the parents would work and the other one stays home and helps with household and kids tasks. Nowadays, it’s common to witness both the parents working full time jobs and the kids either left at home under the mercy of the nannies or in day cares and evening schools.

It’s normal to feel frustrated sometimes when we juggle between working and parenting at the same time. I remember my daughter asking me: Mama, why you rarely cook new and different dishes for us? I respond saying: Sorry honey. I am busy with work here. Maybe during the weekends we try new dishes.

Sometimes we experience the feeling of guilt because of not meeting the expectations of our families. But then, this concept well said by Gabor Mate which is: families are raised by communities and not only by the parents. Its hard to do everything yourself. But when we allow others involved like the extended families, teachers in schools or neighbours to give us a hand, a bit of the pressure can be lifted from our shoulders.

Lastly, I give thanks and gratitude to every parent who is also working. It’s not easy to come back home exhausted from a long day work and there you see your kids waiting for you to meet their demands too. I wish for every working parent to take care of themselves and not allow the stress to diminish their liveliness and vibrancy.


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