Your Emotional Playground

We are emotional creatures. We are driven by our emotions. We act and take decisions mostly with the influence of our emotions. But what can we do to activate them positively?

Well, this is something I learned from some psychologists. It is what you do to add a spark and positive impact on them throughout your day.

Before we jump to the examples or actions you can do, you might think: do I have any right to have an emotional playground? Many have been conditioned to deny and suppress their emotions. Many learned this concept of being a responsible citizen and ignore our emotions from an early age. This have affected many people mentally and physically. When you numb or suppress your emotions, they don’t go away. They get stored in your body. Later with time and accumulating stress, they turn to a disease or an illness.

So it is crucial to think about your emotions in a balanced way and refer to them as your inner guidance system and not as something to escape and ignore. Its either telling you someone crossed a line towards you, or you are missing a project you deserve to do, or you neglected yourself for long time and you need space and time to take care of yourself.

So what an emotional playground looks like? Well it is something you get to design for yourself depending on your preferences. If I use my emotional playground as an example, there are things to do alone and/or with others. When alone, activities like colouring and painting, cooking a favourite dish, listening to my favourite music and spending time in nature either walking on the side-lines of the beach or sitting in a kids park and reading.

When with others, it is chilling, chatting and watching TV, going out for a ride and discover a new place and walking in a market place (like a souq) and buy the things we need.

It is good to have a routine of things you like to do in your emotional playground. I know others who enjoy doing their garden, knitting, making and crafting things or engaging in some kind of sport or physical activity. Its basically whatever you enjoy doing.

If you neglected your emotions for long time and you are not sure from where to begin, it is alright. Just start somewhere. If you enjoy reading and writing like me, you could start there and choose the books that interest you and read. Or if you are an outdoor person, just get out and drive. See where the route would take you and have fun. If you are a people person, and you like being around people and chatting, create a routine of gatherings in your home with the people you enjoy their company and have a good time. Just follow your likes and preferences and start creating your emotional playground.


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