You are Human!

Life is a mixture of ups and downs. Sometimes you see yourself flying and achieving. Other times you see yourself falling down. That is normal. That is the cycle of life. Look at the tree for example. Its life cycle. It starts small and weak. Then later it grows tall and strong. See its leaves. They turn yellow and fall on the ground. Then new leaves grow again. And the life cycle goes on.

Sometimes we forget this. When things go wrong, we blame ourselves. It is us who took the wrong decision. We dwell in stress and talk a lot about the negativity of the situation. In such a context, I like to remember our humanness. We are humans. Are we supposed to be perfect? Are we not allowed to do mistakes?

If we exprience our humanness as we are and give ourselves the space and time to reflect and heal, we wouldn’t be so hard on ourselves. Its fine to fall in life. Its okay to not get to the stages we want to. Its normal to do mistakes and learn from them. Its alright if people think we are slow and take more time to finish.

Looking at our human nature and Allah’s creation can help remove the mental boxes we have. There is no thing called perfectionist. There isn’t a fixed life. We lead lives that are open and flexible. Let’s remove the rigidity we learned from the society and culture. Let’s open our hearts to possibilities. Let’s accept the cycle of life and learn from it.


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