What matters and what doesn’t?

At work and in life, we think everything matters. We want to achieve everything. We want to do everything that interests us.

Then we get stretched so thinly. We become overwhelmed and stressed. We either blame the lack of time or we blame ourselves that we are not good enough.

What if we choose carefully the thing we are doing? What if we take our time when choosing and prioritizing the projects that truely matter to us? Not because someone told us so but because it is something coming from pure intention.

The distraction that pulls a person in this dillema can be the peer pressure. Comparing ourselves with our peers. Hearning someone tell you: “why don’t you be like X?” can trigger feelings of lack, anger and jelousy.

Another distraction is the set-up of our culture in terms of news, social media and what the majority are doing at the same time. This can be very distracting especially for the unconscious minds who can easily get drown in that route.

To be aware of the habit of seeking to do everything at the same time, one needs to do a lot of self-work and self-processing. One could ask these reflective questions: Why do I want to do everything at once? What is the thing that is triggering me? What are my intentions behind this behavior? What is the thing I wanna prove here? Does this make any sense?

There is no need to be like everyone around us. The tendency of comparing ourselves with others can take away our individuality and our uniqueness. Yes we live in tribes, communities and families all together. But this doesn’t mean we need to be like everyone else. We were born alone and we die alone. So what’s the point?


The art of communication


What is your language?