What is self-doubt?

Self-doubt is simply where you doubt yourself, your actions and your decisions in life. It is where you are not sure. You repeat thinking about the same problem again. You go back to the solution and you doubt yourself. Then you go ask people for advise. Then you google it. Until you surrender and get tired.

Self-doubt is like a drug. It can be very addictive especially if you come from an environment where people are worried all the time and doubtful.

There are levels of self-doubt from mild to middle and severe levels. Some correlate their self-doubt with the events that happen in life. For example, this accident happened because of me. I am not enough. I am not worth it. It is got to be me.

The self-doubt, if not looked at and processed regularly, can keep you stuck in one repeating cycle forever. Important decisions related to your career, education, relationships, and health can be missed because of the self-doubt.

So what can someone do to overcome the self-doubt? First start with this question: What am I doing here? Write it down. Then look at it. Read it again. Now think for yourself: Does this make any sense? What am I doing? Is this worth all the anxiety and worry I am activating?

Second go outside. Sink in nature. Observe life around you. The sun rising. The birds flying. The sound of the tree leaves. The cars, buildings and houses. People walking and chatting. Children playing and running. The smell of the air you breath. Just notice and observe life. What does it tell you? What does it whisper to you?

Third reflect your expeirnece with nature in writing. What happened there? What did you see? What did you feel being outside and seeing all the surroundings? Write about your internal experience and reflect on it.

Doing this process daily, you start to realize the true essence of life. The liveliness of your existence. That you exist here because you already matter. The purpose and divine meaning of our existence. That life is precious and too short to waste it in the unnecessary self-doubt.


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