What happened to our thirst for learning?

Learning is something comes so naturally when you were a child. Learning to crawl, walk and speak was something we did with lots of motivation, joy, encouragement and attention from our caregivers. But with time passing by and us grew to be 5 years old and above, we see learning as something less favourable and less joyful. Why? Because that was the time we started experiencing learning in schools and saw it as something pushed to us. Learning in schools was like either you learn or nothing. In schools, learning is associated with scoring marks and grades. It's linked with pass or fail (reward or punishment). No wonder the joy in learning was taken away from us because of this irrelevant model.

As kids, because of this adopted system in schools, they see learning as a forced factor, as something forced on to them rather than something to generate interest and curiosity in them. As a result, we see today’s generation in high schools and colleges ask these questions in the classroom:

1- Will this part come in the test?

2- We don't need new methods to learn. Just give us exams and good marks.

3- Is this important? Will it be included in the test?

Today in this information age, while we are bombarded with lots of free information online, we gotta ask ourselves different questions in the learning arena. Can we get our learning instinct back? What if all that we know about learning from schools and society was a lie? What would happen if we open our minds towards learning?

In this current time with the use of the internet, AI and GBT have made learning so open-ended. Now students can learn anytime from anywhere around the world. Now the students don't need to travel to a location to learn. They can easily take an online course. The internet made it so convenient for students to learn at their own pace, convenience and the right mood.

Considering the boom in technology now, we have a chance to get our learning curiosity back. With the use of the internet, we don't need to blame ourselves anymore for not fitting in with the crowd. We can go on explore our passions and areas of interest outside the specialization box that was created for us.


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