Unforgettable Week!

The week from 29th November to 6th December 2023 was a week filled with uncertainty and worries. It started with my two years old son going for a spinal surgery. We have utilized all other conservative options (casting and bracing) to prevent his spine from curving. However, still his little spine continued to bend to reach severe levels. We couldn’t avoid the surgery option anymore longer.

On the day of his surgery, we expected to accompany him into the operation room to be with him during his anaesthesia. But we were not allowed. We watched him enter the operation room helplessly and our hearts filled with pain, sadness and worry.

After the surgery, it was not easy watching him go through severe pain. Not much we could do except comforing him, soothing him and holding his little hands.

Throughout the week, I was not sure how to care for him and help him. But with the help of the medical team including the nurses, the phisiotherapist, the doctors and the translators, we came to adjust to a daily routine for his recovery in the hospital. It included simple activities like turning his laying down position (right and left), helping him sit and walk five times a day, feeding him with his spinal brace on and assisting him rest and take frequent naps.

Approaching the 5th day in the week following the surgery, his body showed incredible milestones. At midnight he started turning left and right with lifting his head up without our assistance. Seeing him doing that gave me a sense of relief and delight that his body is starting to adjust to the new position and condition post surgery. We also noticed that the pain was less with movement. The more he walked and sat down, the less pain he felt. But the more time he stayed on the bed, the more pain he felt.

Still we have lots of anxiety and worry for his wellbeing and healing process. But at the same time, we trust the natural process of healing and recovery that Allah gives every human body. I pray for all who go through such moments to hold on to hope and faith and that you will eventually see the light at the end of the dark tunnel.


Your Emotional Wellbeing


Workaholics at work!