Reactivity versus Proactivity

Reactivity or proactivity is one of the life approaches one chooses to take. It is how you respond to the situation. What actions or measures you take. Are you just going with the flow or you are being proactive.

If we talk about reactivity, it is merely reacting to the situation without thinking or reflecting. For example, you are in a financial crisis. You are out of cash every month. You are sinking in heavy debt. If you are in the reactivity approach, you would react probably by saving money, or taking more debt to have money, or deducting your expenses or maybe seeking for a job with a higher income to solve your financial problems. So reacting is where you take immediate short term action to solve your current problem.

However, if we shift to the proactivity mindset, this is where you tend to think more long-term. You don’t just react to the situation, but you would rather think of your preferred future vision and take specific and well analysed steps to achieve it. Let us use the same example of having a financial problem. Instead of only reacting to the situation, you decide to think deeper about the possible solution and opportunities available for you. Then you narrow down your search to see which option is convenient for you. It could be investing in rentals, reducing your expenses while increasing your income, or whatever option you see is suitable. The main idea behind the proactivity approach is you are not only reacting, but you get prepared, focused and put consistent efforts to make your mental vision a reality.

It is interesting to shed light on reactivity and proactivity approaches. Once you know the difference, you would eliminate the impact of being a victim in the situation and instead you would take full ownership and responsibility. Also you would less blame other people or systems and put more focus on you as the person who can change and transform to better.


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