Is it Only Conditional Love?
One of the common myths we were taught to believe is the idea of conditional love. You can’t love a person unless you see a clear evidence of his or her worthiness. You can’t just give love unless you receive it first. You can’t just open up lovingly and genuinely unless you assure the other person deserves it.
But don’t you think this is a superficial way of being? What barriers being created because of this one myth? No wonder people live in isolation and disconnection in today’s world. That’s why we experience lots of lack of trust and integrity in our daily interactions.
It is totally understandable to be immersed in this myth if that was the only thing you experienced in your childhood. You probably saw only conditional love all your life. You probably never witnessed any single human experience that adopted the meaning of unconditional love. You might even don’t know or never heard of this term before.
If that is where you are today, remember whatever myths you learned are not fixed or permanent. You have got the personal freedom to check, reflect, ask the hard questions and process those myths. When you do that, always seek for the truth. Don’t settle for whatever you have learned. The truth resides inside you. And it is only you who can search for it, find it and express it.