What if you actually matter?

This is a question that many with anxiety and excessive worry struggle with. It is always the other person. It is always the troubles of the other person. As a person with anxiety, your situation and whatever you are going through doesn’t matter. It feels like you got to do something to numb the anxiety either by being around people, fixing other people problems or making others feel good and satisfied.

What doesn’t work here is the fake behavior. Doing something to fix the anxiety but at the same time deep in your heart knowing that it is not your truth and you are just pretending to accommodate the other person’s feelings.

In such a context, an interesting question to ask is this: Do you matter? Where is your place in all this mess? Do you have any bit of priority? Do your circumstances to be considered or ignored? Do you have an opinion of your own? What is your sense of truth? Why do they matter and you don’t? What is the difference between you and them? Is there really such a thing called someone superior to you or someone inferior?

Having a broad outlook to your life can show you the thread of truth and shed light on anxiety when it wants to control you. Just step out of your story for a moment. What is happening there? How things are working out in your life? What bothers you, is it an illusion or is it the truth? If it is an illusion, what is your truth then? What are you really scared of? Is it the fear of being rejected and abandoned? Is it the worry of being alone and as a result worthless? It is worth it to work out your way with those probs to detangle the tight knot of anxiety. It requires lots of patience and time.

At the end, its not that easy or simple to answer the question. But processing your thoughts to reach down your bottom line and discover the thing that really bothers you and put awareness around it can help you slow down and live the day to day activities you are experiencing.


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