Starting a business or a full-time job?

One of the common questions I receive when delivering a training session for students is this: “After graduating, do I start my business straight away or I find a job first?” Many have this fear of failing in businesses. Many worry about their families and want to start supporting them sooner than later.

I know many families believe in the safety and security the full-time jobs bring rather than taking a risk in starting a business that could fail.

Well there is no one straightforward answer for this question. Everyone approach this differently according to their circumstances and current situations they are in.

I know people who have got their full-time jobs while having their part-time businesses. Others plan on having their full-time jobs temporarily until their side businesses flourish and cover their daily expenses.

Comparing the full-time jobs with building a business, each one has got different perspectives and path results.

The full-time jobs is a career path that can show you what is happening in the industry you are in. It opens you up to meeting people and networking. However, normally with this route, there is a limit. It is the job you are working in the department you are in. Don’t be surprised when you want to take on an external project, your manager says: That doesn’t belong to your job. Just focus on your job and your department.

However, starting a business is a different path that the highly initiative, bold and risk takers love to embark on. This route requires a lot of humility and humbleness. Because you will be interacting with different types of customers. Also it is not a straightforward route like the full-time jobs. It depends on where the market is going and how you adjust yourself according to the market direction. Also it requires you to start taking action and working knowing that you might not get any profits end of the month because you are just starting out. That is one reason why many people hesitate to start because it is not straightforward. The full-time jobs guarantees end of the month the salary will be credited into your account. While with building a business, it depends and it is not straightforward.

Thinking about the long-term effects and impact of the two routes, the full-time jobs can create a bridge for you to cross to the other side. What I mean by bridge? It is like a preperation phase for you to build your wings and fly. Examples of this metaphor is a person having a full-time job but using a portion (20% or 30%) of their monthly salaries to invest in businesses. Or a person utilizing the full-time job to master the field and become the expert and professional in it.

However, the business route creates sustained and continued long lasting effect. No matter where you are in life, whether you have a job or not, whether it is a pandemic or lock down, you are not locked. You have got your businesses, your customers, your products and your marketing to fall into. It always opens up doors whether the market is up or down. The belief is necessary here. It can be hard to believe it especially when you are in a group or family or environment where majority only believe in the safety net of full-time jobs and monthly salaries.

Finally, there is no one straightforward answer to this question: a job or a business? It depends on your desires, your situation or circumstances and your future aspirations. I wish all to choose the path that best suits them and fills up their hearts and spirits.


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