Our Inner Knowing!

Change is an act we do if we are not happy with something and we want to change it. The areas in someone’s life that can attract change are a lifestyle, career route, the approach to parenting, finances or other areas.

Change can be attractive especially with the online platforms and the increasing digital distractions we see daily. The online advertisements about becoming a freelancer, quitting your job and becoming your own boss, changing your outfit or body image and updating your home. All these advertisements attract the person to change something in life.

When we look at change, there is something else that probably we may have forgotten about. It is our inner knowing. Each one of us has got an inner individual and seperate knowing. You may call it your gut, instinct or inner knowing. To get to know your inner knowing, sitting by youself away from distractions is key. A lot of stillness and quite time is required to tap into our inner knowing and find out our truth in the moment.

You may hear people telling you: “You gotta do this instead” Or “Why are you living like this? Update your lifestyle!” Or “Look at me how I changed by body. You gotta also do the same”. All these are daily attractions. But what is it that we personally and seperately want and desire? What matters to us in that precise moment? What are the little things in life that make us centred and grounded?

Asking these questions often can familiarise us with our knowing and stay calm and grounded in the middle of the environmental and societal distractions we encounter.


A healthy lifestyle!


The truth about life!